The Power of Photos that Shine Our Authenticity, Our Talents of ThriveTypes
/This article on what type of photos to use for online dating gets it and totally misses the right points all at the same time. It is a great example of how people, including scientists, can follow their intuition in ways that sabotage their experiments and cloud their data. (I used to be a scientist.)
The Low Power photos invoke all sorts of problematic mirror neuron stimuli in the viewers - shame, doubt, sadness, guilt, etc. Not self-confident indeed!
The High Power photos not only show confident body postures which elicit a great mirror neuron response in the viewer, they also show people in contexts that express their Talents in #ThriveTypes.
The woman in the Low Power photo is NOT doing her #PriestTalent of expressing vision and inspiration.
The woman in the High Power photo IS savoring pleasure with her #ArtisanTalent.
The man in the Low Power photo is NOT using his #ArtisanTalent exploration of ideas or pleasure or following his #ScholarTalent curiosity.
The man in the High Power photo IS enjoying sensual pleasure of his #ArtisanTalent and physical action of his #WarriorTalent.
So while confidence and expansive, open postures have an impact - it is the AUTHENTICITY that shines through, I propose, that is really SO APPEALING to us and to others online.
The social scientists have no idea that they are introducing the confounding factor of authenticity and mature expression of one's #Talents into the mix.
If you want the most powerful online dating photos - show yourself confidently expressing your #Talents in #ThriveTypes. This what I have clients do. And I have them use words favored by their Talents and examples of them expressing their Talents in their written profile.
A person's natural Talents show in their eyes. You might be able to recognize your Talents, and they might be clouded by Masking. Learn more and discover your true Talents at