Those with Creativity (formerly Artisan) are diverse, unique, inventive and often a bit rebellious. They love all forms of sensual pleasure (e.g., sight, sound, scent, taste and touch). The Creativity Talent is the most diverse; some with it create tangible art, however many are all about novel ideas or flowing energetic spaciousness. They are triggered by ordinariness, always preferring the imaginative and unusual. They are creative problem solvers and can be distracted daydreamers, aware of so many enticing ideas at once. People with less mature Creativity are defiant and demand freedom for themselves; then as they mature, they provide freedom, pleasure, elegance and creative opportunities and choices for others.
The Lessons of the Creativity Talent are shown below:
In Lessons 1 & 2, those with Creativity are distracted rebels. They are so interested in the next new thing, that they keep ideas from manifesting. They crave sensual pleasure and get bored and moody when they’re not doing what they want. They use excuses to avoid what they don’t want to face, and they really are only deceiving themselves. Their unusual style shows in more selfish ways. They insist on standing out from everyone else. Derogatory cultural jokes about those with Creativity at this stage include pointing in new directions while saying, “Shiny!” and “Squirrel!” They are scared of commitment and refuse to ever be boxed in. They love change just to do something new.
In Lessons 3 & 4, those with Creativity inventively savor pleasure. They teach everyone about pleasure and use their creativity to solve useful problems. They are great designers, manifesting objects, processes, experiences and solutions that others don’t know how to dream of. Creativity is the most diverse of all the Talents. They can be solid and grounded on the physical plane, appreciating the pleasure of being in a body, or spacious and airy, almost floating. While they are all sensually attuned, they can focus on physical sensations or the elegance of ideas. Some create beautiful objects and others critique others’ work or design environments. They love to be entrepreneurs so they get to do their own thing and have variety in the myriad aspects of the business to focus on, keeping them from getting bored. They have background attention on many things at once, so while it may look like nothing is happening, they experience sudden bursts of manifestation when a lot suddenly comes into form.
In Lesson 4, those with Creativity can “commit” because they know they are always free. Instead of solving others’ problems, they direct their energy into something that is their own unique invention. They pursue and manifest elegance and “the sublime.” They bring an ease and flow to their process and their results. They follow what is pleasurable, which may seem selfish, however this is exactly how they experience the most joy for themselves and the most success in their contributions to everyone.