Learn to Read Eyes
Talents: Seven Recorded 2-Hr Classes - 2025 Dates, See Below
World View: Four 2-Hr Classes, $120 ($30 each) - Coming Soon
1: Overview, Survival, Security
2: Success & Connection
3: Fulfillment (& a bit on Talents & Purpose)
4: Presence & Service
Learn to Read Eyes: The 7 Talents - Seven 2-Hour Classes
Join Laureli, Intuitive Eye Reader, Coach and Author, for a deep dive into all the Talents and how to read them in people. You’ll also receive insight into how to use ThriveTypes to tune a career path, find compatible romantic partners, recognize and achieve a soul or life purpose, grow spiritually, and much more.
Reading Eyes to recognize a person’s Talents empowers Sales conversations, Hiring interviews, Therapy/Coaching sessions, Managing/Supervising conversation, Course Design (e.g., learning styles), all Relationship interactions and Dating choices - as well as many other things.
The full 7 class course includes 2 * 7 = 14 hours on:
each Talent’s gifts and underbellies - behavior, motivations, representative quotes
patterns of each Talent in kids
experiential exercises so you can feel what it is like to have each Talent
growth lessons and tendencies
tips for coaching people to grow in their lessons
details on what to look for in a person’s eyes, face and body
many photos of famous people as examples
comparisons plus so you can practice
how to recognize Masks vs. real Talents
comparisons to other ThriveTypes
quizzes with photos of related people
presentations for your review
much more!
The Course on how to read each of the 7 Talents in people’s eyes is available:
Intro Class - contact Laureli for a recorded video and slide presentation
Intro Class - in-Person Live with Laureli on (schedule one now!)
By Pre-Recorded Videos (from classes in recent years)
You'll learn so much about the 7 Talents, discover how to recognize them in people, get to ask lots of questions, show photos of people you know, get feedback about your own Talents, etc.
There are many ways to Read People - learn them all:
values and behavior - triggers, words, actions
physical traits - eyes, face, body
energy flow
your map - feelings, sensations, intuition, history
distinguishing masking - eyes, congruence
asking questions - listening between their words
If you are interested in the whole course, a pre-recorded video of the intro class is available upon request. I recommend watching the intro class before you dive in. You can also get an overview by reading about the 7 Talents on this website or ordering my book (now available on Kindle too, optionally order a print copy directly from me so I earn a small amount).
If you are ready for the deep dive, let's go! Contact Laureli set up a new live and in-person series OR order and watch the recorded individual classes or the full course (includes downloadable handouts and PDF of entire presentations discussed in each of the 7 video classes).
Class Location
ThriveTypes Talent
Intro Overview (details)
Class Conversation (details)
Priest/Priestess Vision
Server Love
Sage Communication
Artisan Creativity
Queen/King Power
Warrior Efficiency
Scholar Knowledge
[Click the Paypal link up above and email us about which class you want.]