Thank you for your interest in Laureli Shimayo and ThriveTypes Intuitive Eye Readings from her interview on The Extraordinary Love Series with Orchid Tao.
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Eyes Are the Window to Your Soulmate: A Guide to Using ThriveTypes Eye Readings for Conscious Online Dating
by Laureli Shimayo
Laureli is a Connectress, having been a matchmaker and dating coach since 2007. Her speciality is ThriveTypes Intuitive Eye Readings, and she also incorporates her training and certification in body psychology, psychotherapy, conscious loving and living, business strategy, and leadership coaching. Learn more about Laureli and her coaching here.
“I credit your coaching for finding a good match that matches ME. He really sees me and appreciates me. It’s the first adult relationship of my life and I’m fully in.” – Leadership Consultant
“I want to express my deepest gratitude for the wonderful coaching session you gave my partner on dating and relationships. Your divine counseling was instrumental in her choosing me in her search for a soulmate [last year]. I have never felt so met and in so many ways in my entire life and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.” – Soulmate
“I literally did everything you told me to do – and everything worked!” – Reunited Partner