Is your career path aligned with your soul purpose? Are colleagues collaborating or competing?
Receive insight into your soul purpose and unique talents from an expert panel of intuitives. They’ll answer at least one question from each participant and put you powerfully on your path, face and navigate blocks, solve challenges with colleagues, and enable you to leap forward with authenticity and ease.
This powerhouse trio will laser in with powerful answers to your questions and to identify and open your blocks to sovereignty plus provide precise action steps.
There are 3 of us who will share:
Laureli Shimayo is an Intuitive Eye Reader, Career/Hiring Coach, and Leadership Coach,
Eryn DeFoort is a Life Coach, Shamanic Hypnotherapist and Spiritual Counselor,
Lola Singer is a Light Language Energy Healer, Sound Healer, and Tarot Reader,
Bring photos of people (without sunglasses, for the eye reader) whom you have questions about.
Share your feedback about our event at the end and get entered into a drawing for a free 30 minute session with one of us of your choice.
$10-30 Sliding Scale
Join us on Friday May 25, 7-9:30pm at TCMM Fitness Spa, 8820 152nd Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052
On Facebook at:
Join us for a Metaphysical & Wellness Fair with 20+ Readers, Healers & Vendors on the previous day - Saturday May 26, 12-8pm at the same location. Free admission, stations for a fee. See details here:
All events are at:
(If you are a reader/healer/vendor and you'd like to participate in our upcoming events, please click the link at the top of the page.)
Please see all events at
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Earlier Event: May 19
Audience Readings: Career Path, Life Purpose & Colleagues in Portland