Interested in learning about holistic approaches to wellness and healing? WellnessConnect Meetups include brief presentations from local experts on a wide range of topics, plus time for socializing and connecting with an awesome group of people! Hosted by the Wellness Professionals Network, a collective of wellness practitioners who collaborate to support individual and community wellness:
Topics for this session (free):
"Access Your Sweet Spot with Intuitive Eye Readings," with Laureli Shimayo
Laureli Shimayo is an Intuitive Eye Reader, Body Psychology Coach and Author.
Everyone has a Sweet Spot. It’s our natural gifts, deep well of extraordinary strength and capacity, and quickest access to ease, joy and fulfillment.
Our Sweet Spot is a combination of many traits – most importantly, our 3 natural talents. Laureli will describe all 7 Talents of ThriveTypes, the archetypes she reads in people's eyes. Come get a glimpse of your own Talents, recognize the diversity in those around you, and start to see how to use awareness of your Sweet Spot to tune your career path, find compatible romantic partners, recognize and achieve your soul or life purpose, grow spiritually, and much more.
"Sweet Release," with Kristen Jawad
From the crown, all the way down. You will learn self massage techniques that can be done anywhere. This mini play-shop is truly for everybody, family friendly.
Let’s Connect!
Monday, August 14 at 11 AM - 12:30 PM at the Redmond Public Library at 15990 NE 85th Street, Redmond, Washington 98052
Please RSVP on Meetup here: h
(WellnessConnect Meetups are community connecting spaces for people of all cultures, races, faiths, and gender identities.)
Questions? Contact Susan Creighton: