Every soul has a purpose – what you are here to joyfully contribute. It come from your natural gifts and talents, your deep well of extraordinary strength and capacity. Accessing these gifts is your quickest way to ease, joy and fulfillment and making your greatest contributions.
Your purpose is most quickly and precisely clarified by identifying the Genius of your soul as it shines through your eyes! Genius is a combination of many traits – most importantly, your 3 natural Talents. Laureli will describe all 7 Talents of the ThriveTypes® archetypes, review their great contributions and lessons, and share a bit of how she sees them in eyes.
Join Laureli Shimayo, Intuitive Eye Reader, Coach and Author, to get a glimpse of your own Talents Genius and Purpose, recognize the diversity in those around you, and start to see how to use your Genius to live your purpose, tune your career path, find compatible romantic partners, grow spiritually, and much more.
Laureli is a co-author of the recent book, The Sweet Spot: Leveraging Your Talents in Leadership & Life will be available. She teaches classes in Body Psychology and ThriveTypes and offers Intuitive Eye Readings & Coaching at venues throughout Seattle and Portland.
This group meets at Denny's in Kent. Join us at 5:00 p.m. to share dinner / social hour, and lots of laughs. The program is scheduled to begin at 6:00 p.m. and end at 8:00 p.m. If you want to attend, inquire about the possibility with AskSharonBrigance@comcast.net
Sharon Brigance, Staying Connected Events Coordinator, with much assistance from Nancy Congleton!