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Ignite Your Tribe: Get My Free Guide on Reading Eyes

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Ignite Your Tribe: Virtual Summit on Authentic Entrepreneurship

My video on growing your business authentically airs tomorrow, May 27. Sign up now to get your free download - a guide for recognizing the Talents in people's eyes.


I've been on my own learning journey growing my business - discovering how to attract clients who are the best fit for me, how to navigate through the sales process, etc. I've also been exploring how to have my newsletter be engaging and what else I might share that is interesting and useful to you over time.

If you have been growing your own business, you know what this is like. You need to be financially sustainable, and to have the business you love, you really want to work with clients you love too. I'm fortunate that I love you all so much!!!

I'm lucky that I know ThriveTypes for honoring who I am and meeting all my diverse clients. I want to share ThriveTypes with more people for authentically growing their businesses, and I'm learning new tools for myself and growing my own business as well.

I recently connected with Carol Ann DeSimine and this opportunity to connect with and learn from 20 experts from various industries sharing their approaches and tools for attracting, growing and monetizing a tribe of raving fans and keeping them engaged for growing a financially lucrative business - by doing so from the soul.

I'm excited to discover what all the experts are sharing! To gain access to these fabulous speakers and their free tools join:

The Ignite Your Tribe World Summit
Lead With Love & Grow Your Profits - Without Losing Your Soul

(sign up now to get the rest of the series)

This summit will include immediately actionable topics such as
* Easily adding 1,000s to your email list
* The 7 systems every entrepreneur needs and the order to add them
* How to create and monetize your own podcast
* Setting up a Facebook group that brings in $1000s quickly and easily
* Six-figure launches
* Team-building for leverage
* How to break through and fast-track to a 7-figure revenue
* Money mindset
* Soul archetypes for honoring yourself and your clients
* And lots more!

This 10-day virtual video series has started:

I'm looking forward to watching the videos myself, getting tools for growing my business, and sharing more applications of ThriveTypes with you!