Leap Far Beyond the Triangle Using Your Body to Creator, Coach & Challenger
Wednesday May 17, 7-9pm, $20
at the Boulder Center for Conscious Community (BC3), 1637 28th St. in Boulder, CO
Learn to identify the Triangle in yourself and others by watching movement patterns in the body and realize how to shift your body out far beyond the Triangle to end drama and experience joy, collaboration and freedom in the present moment.
All the drama and conflict we get into can be described by three roles we play out with each other: Victim, Villain, and Hero. Discover how we cause ourselves to get in and stay in this seductive and addictive Triangle and learn instead to choose three new empowering roles: Creator, Challenger and Coach. Even when aware of the Triangle, we can get caught in subtle ways.
The trick for moving out of the Triangle is to use your body. We’ll explore the body postures designating being in and also the postures for shifting and moving out and beyond.
Laureli Shimayo is a Certified Big Leap Coach and LAT Grad; a life, leadership and love coach; metaphysical practitioner; romantic matchmaker; hiring consultant; teacher and author. She offers Intuitive Eye Readings of ThriveTypes and Body Psychology Coaching to empower people and organizations to thrive. www.LaureliShimayo.com
A series of events and private sessions with Laureli are available in Boulder and Denver, May 16-20.