Join my online group of dedicated, passionate, authentic online daters who are ready to be off the hamster wheel of typical online dating and into fulfilling, aligned, conscious relationships. Now.
Your first 1.25 hour group video session is FREE so you can get to know me and my methods before choosing/intuiting to jump in.
I believe that we subconsciously attract and are attracted to partners who are the most challenging for us to be with. I use ThriveTypes to help people realize their dating patterns and consciously select partners that are great for them - easy and a joy to be with, plus that help us live our purpose, be authentic, love ourselves and so much more!
I'll optionally share a bit about your ThriveTypes, look at photos of your exes and recognize your dating patterns, tune your online profile, and screen for great dates plus share coaching about which are the best sites, how to write and respond, etc.
Tuesday Mar 14, 4-5:15pm PST (starting at 5pm MST, 6pm CST and 7pm EST) - (every event is now the same link)
More details at
Join us by phone if you can't do video:
Dial: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
Meeting ID:
International numbers available:
Learn more about Laureli Shimayo at and ThriveTypes at
See all the details including future sessions at
Contact me to sign up or simply join us!