Your eyes are a window to your soul + soulmates. Reading the life energy that comes through your eyes provides insight into your purpose, relationships, career, and much more. An eye reading session clarifies what you are meant to do in this life – your purpose, how to connect you with your higher self, how to screen to find your soulmate, how to quickly release stuckness of challenges and roadblocks, how to shine light on solutions, and how to map your journey toward ease and fulfillment. Bring photos (showing their eyes) of colleagues, partners, exes, kids – whomever is relevant to your questions.
Body Psychology is a way to see how you are blocked by how it appears in your body and lots of ways to use your body to shift, move foward consciously and grow.
Laureli Shimayo will be offering Eye Readings + Body Psychology Coaching at New Renaissance Bookshop, 1338 Northwest 23rd Avenue Portland, OR, 97210 on Fri Feb 24 from 4-8:30pm. Stop by to receive a free 2 minute mini ThriveTypes Eye Reading inside the store while Laureli is available between paid sessions. Optionally purchase a half-hour or full hour session in the private room upstairs. Laureli also does readings privately and at public events.
Buy ThriveTypes products and video/photo readings at