Join me for Drop-in Coaching with my Intuitive Eye Reading, Body Psychology Coaching, Hiring Consulting and all my tools on a broad range of topics:
- matchmaking and conscious online dating (see
- tuning your career path and resume consulting (see
- identifying your sweet spot or genius and life/soul purpose
- relationship questions (kids, partner, parents, co-worker)
- how to read eyes (see
- shifting small to even big traumas and PTSD-like symptoms, as long as it's of service to explore in a group
- practicing tools like The Triangle, Feelings in the Body, That Was Then/This is Now, etc.
Fees are $25 for drop-in and $100 for a package of 5 sessions. Pay online before we meet or right after you join the video call at
Sessions are 75 minutes in length.
We meet online at (you need to download software but don't need an account).
The schedule for October-November 2017 is currently as follows:
- Tuesday October 3 @4-5:15pm PT (starting at 5pm MT, 6pm CT and 7pm ET)
- Tuesday October 3 @6-7:15pm PT (starting at 7pm MT, 8pm CT and 9pm ET)
- Saturday October 7 @10-11:15am PT (starting at 11am MT, 12pm CT and 1pm ET) -
- Sunday October 15 @5-6:15pm PT (starting at 6pm MT, 7pm CT and 8pm ET)
- Sunday October 15 @7-7:15pm PT (starting at 8pm MT, 9pm CT and 10pm ET)
- Monday October 23 @5-6:15pm PT (starting at 6pm MT, 7pm CT and 8pm ET)
- Friday October 27 @8-7:15pm PT (starting at 9pm MT, 10pm CT and 11pm ET)
- Saturday November 4 @8-11:15am PT (starting at 9am MT, 10am CT and 11am ET)
Learn more about this group at and more about Laureli Shimayo at