Eyes are a window to your soul. The light that shines through your eyes reveals your unique genius, natural gifts, greatest strength and deepest capacity. Following what shines through your eyes is your quickest access to ease, joy and fulfillment.
Join Laureli Shimayo to learn about her Intuitive Eye Readings. You'll get an overview on what she sees and reads in people's eyes and how she uses this awareness to empower people to realize and achieve their soul or life purpose, grow spiritually and psychologically, tune their career path, hire the best employees, find compatible romantic and business partners, recognize the diversity in others and much more.
Laureli describes what she sees in her Intuitive Eye Readings as a set of archetypes called ThriveTypes. This presentation will focus on the 7 Talents of ThriveTypes: come get a glimpse of your own 3 Talents both from the presentation and sample readings of the audience. Learn more about ThriveTypes at www.ThriveTypes.com.
Laureli's book on the 7 Talents will be available, and Laureli will be doing Intuitive Eye Readings for $2/min for the hours after the talk. Bring photos (showing their eyes) of anyone you'd like Laureli to read as part of your session (e.g., parents, exes, dates, partners, children, colleagues).
Laureli Shimayo is an Intuitive Eye Reader, Body Psychology Coach, Speaker and Author. She combines her training in science and somatic psychology with the metaphysical arts of claircognizance (direct knowing), clairempathy (feelings/emotions) and clairsentience (body sensations). Laureli does her eye readings; life, leadership and love coaching; matchmaking; and consulting work at East West Books, clients' business and homes, at various fairs throughout the northwest, and by video around the globe. Learn more about Laureli at www.LaureliShimayo.com