Receive powerful answers to the challenges and opportunities present in your life from the perspective of body, mind, and soul. Vy Thuy Le is a medical intuitive who can help you tune into and understand what your body is trying to tell you. Julie Fast works with intuition in regards to mental health and the complicating effects of diagnosable mental health disorders, head injuries, medications, and recreational drugs. An Intuitive Eye Reader, Laureli Shimayo has the ability to read the energy in eyes and body language to address why people behave as they do in regards to soul purpose, personality lessons, and relationship interlocks.
In a panel with these three professional intuitives, discover their fascinating approaches to the art of intuition and receive guidance regarding health and why you and others in your life make the choices they do. Vy, Julie, and Laureli will work as a panel to address your questions with intuitive answers and energy work.
Bring photos showing the eyes of anyone relevant to your questions (partner, ex, child, parent, etc.).
With the illuminating insight of these three perspectives, quickly move from what might seem like complex and difficult situations to easy ways in and out – to wherever it is you want to go!
Sunday, Jan. 22, 2-4pm, at New Renaissance Bookshop, 1338 Northwest 23rd Avenue, Portland
Our last event had a packed house. Reserve your spot at: with Julie Fast, Vy Thuy Le & Laureli Shimayo
Vy Thuy Le will help you tune into and understand what your body is trying to tell you. She’ll answer your questions and provide hands on energy work to address physical, emotional and psychological pain. Vy practices medical intuition, reiki, art therapy, coaching and mentoring and is a practicing artist.
Laureli Shimayo reads the energy in eyes, facial expressions and body language with ThriveTypes® to address why people behave as they do with regards to soul purpose, personality lessons, and relationship interlocks. Laureli is an Eye Reader, Body Psychology + Leadership Coach, Matchmaker and Author.
Julie A. Fast, bestselling author and coach, utilizes her 20 years of experience and intuition to demystify the complicating effects of mental health disorders, brain injuries, medications and recreational drugs on daily life and relationships. Julie is a world leading mental health expert on bipolar disorder, depression, psychosis, anxiety, and S.A.D, with a focus on family and partner dynamics.